GHP staff and students focus on producing high-quality peer reviewed research from across the full range of our research topics and policy areas. At these pages you can find our latest peer-reviewed publications, student dissertations, and reports to government and private bodies.
PhD Dissertations
- 2022
Prevalence and correlates of physical fighting among adolescents in Paraguay: Findings from the 2017 national school-based health survey
- 2022
Trend and projection of skilled birth attendants and institutional delivery coverage for adolescents in 54 low- and middle-income countries, 2000–2030
- 2021
Equity and determinants in universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000–2030: a national and subnational study
- 2021
Trends and projections of universal health coverage indicators in Iraq, 2000–2030: A national and subnational study
- 2022
The association between tobacco smoke exposure and vitamin D levels among US general population, 2001–2014: temporal variation and inequalities in population susceptibility - 2020
Critical windows for maternal fine particulate matter exposure and adverse birth outcomes: The Shanghai birth cohort study
- 2019
Maternal fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exposure and adverse birth outcomes: an updated systematic review based on cohort studies
- 2021
Diagnostic test accuracy for detecting Schistosoma japonicum and S. mekongi in humans: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- 2020
Prevalence and risk factors of Schistosoma mansoni infection among children under two years of age in Mbita, Western Kenya
- 2015
Stuart Gilmour
Forecasting HIV in Japan.
日本におけるHIVの予想に関する研究 - 2014
Sarah Krull Abe
Rice intake and colorectal cancer in Japanese men and women: the Japan Public Health Center-based prospective Study (JPHC Study)
多目的コホート研究による日本人男女における米飯摂取と大腸がんの関連に関する研究 - 2014
Out-of-pocket health payments and coping strategies in urban Nepal
ネパール都市部における医療費自己負担と 対処戦略に関する研究 - 2012
Ganchimeg Togoobaatar
Maternal and perinatal outcomes among adolescent primiparas in developing countries: a multi-country analysis
発展途上国の若年初産婦における周産期転帰に関する研究 -多国間調査分析- - 2012
Md. Mizanur Rahman
Determinants of out-of-pocket health payments, catastrophic expenditures and coping strategies in urban Bangladesh.
バングラデシュ都市部における医療費自己負担、高額医療費支出 及び対処戦略の決定要因に関する研究 - 2011
Makoto Tobe
Catastrophic out-of-pocket expenses for inpatient care among beneficiaries. 2011
フィリピン国民健康保険加入者における入院費の高額自己負担に関する研究 - 2011
Risa Nakayama
Social capital and mental health in Mitrovica, Kosovo. 2011
コソボ・ミトロビッツァにおけるソーシャルキャピタルとメンタルヘルス - 2011
Windy Mariane Virenia Wariki
Behavioral interventions for preventing the transmission of HIV infection among sex workers in Indonesia: A cost-effectiveness analysis. 2011
インドネシアにおけるセックスワーカーの行動介入による HIV感染症予防に関する費用効果分析 - 2010
Gai Ruoyan(Tobe RG)
Cost-Effectiveness Analysis of the Neonatal Hearing Screening Program in China. 2010
- 2009
Phathammavong Outavong
The role of community-based antenatal care to promote mother and child health in rural Lao PDR. 2009
- 2008
Zhuo Zhang
Assessment of an interventional education program to prevent bloodborne infections among medical students in Fujian province in China. 2008
- 2006
Yoshihisa Shirayama
The progress of malaria control in Khammouane province, Laos: an Active Case Detection (ACD) survey of P. falciparum malaria using Rapid Diagnostic Tests (RDTs), and development of Geographic Information System (GIS) maps. 2006
- 2004
Hirotsugu Aiga
Access to continuing professional education among health workers in Ghana. 2004
- 2002
Makiko Noguchi
Analysis of childbirth at a birthing home in Japan : what is needed for safe motherhood strategy? (in Japanese). 2002