GHP staff and students focus on producing high-quality peer reviewed research from across the full range of our research topics and policy areas. At these pages you can find our latest peer-reviewed publications, student dissertations, and reports to government and private bodies.
Master’s Dissertations
- 2014
Yasuhiro Miki
Neighborhood deprivation index and risk of cancer incidence, death and survival in Japan
日本における地域剥奪指標とがんの発生、死亡及び生存リスクについての研究 - 2013
Garcia Ralfh Moreno
Structural and community-level interventions for increasing condom use to prevent the transmission of HIV and other sexually transmitted infections
HIVおよびその他の性感染症感染予防のためのコンドーム使用増加に向けた系統的およびコミュニティレベルの介入に関する研究 - 2013
Trends in prevalence and management of hypertension in China from 1991-2009.
1991年から2009年の中国における高血圧症の有病率と管理の推移に関する研究 - 2013
Keiko Sakurai
Trends in HIV testing and risk behavior in sub-Saharan Africa
サブサハラアフリカにおけるHIVテスト及びリスク行動の傾向 - 2012
Karin Miyamoto
Population based reference birth weights and risk factors for early neonatal death in Japanese twins from 2008 - 2010
2008-2010 年の日本全国における双胎児の出生児体重基準曲線と 早期新生児死亡のリスク因子に関する研究 - 2012
Mortality risk in elderly evacuees after the Fukushima nuclear plant accident
福島原子力発電所事故後の高齢者の避難による死亡リスクに関する研究 - 2012
Amina Sugimoto
Assessment of Prevalence of and Risk Factors for Internal Radiation Exposure after the Fukushima Nuclear Accident
福島原発事故後の内部被曝率および危険因子に関する研究 - 2012
Daisuke Yoneoka
Assessing the characteristics and quality of randomized controlled trials conducted in Japan
日本で実施したランダム化比較試験の特徴および質に関する研究 - 2012
Mikiko Kanda
The introduction of combined haemophilus influenza type b and Pneumococcal conjugate vaccination in infants in Japan: A cost-effectiveness analysis
日本におけるヒブワクチンと肺炎球菌ワクチンの乳幼児定期予防接種への同時導入に関する費用効果分析 - 2011
Ayaka Nakamura
Sleep problems and suicidal behaviour in the Japanese population: Findings from the World Mental Health Survey, Japan.
日本における睡眠障害と自殺企図の関係-世界精神保健調査日本調査の結果- - 2011
Amarjargal Dagvadorji
Fetal macrosomia in 23 developing countries : prevalence, risk factors and delivery outcomes.
発展途上国23カ国における巨大児の有病率、危険因子と妊娠予後に関する研究 - 2011
Herfina Yohanna Nababan
Factors associated with condom non-use among adolescents in Sub-Saharan Africa, South America and the Caribbean.
サハラ以南アフリカ、南アメリカおよびカリブ諸島の青年のコンドーム不使用に関する要因 - 2011
Jinghua Li
The Cost-Effectiveness and Epidemiological Impact of Expanded HIV Screening, Antiretroviral Treatment, and Harm Reduction Program in China.
中国におけるHIVスクリーニング拡大、抗レトロウイルス治療、及びハーム・リダクションプログラムの疫学的効果と費用対効果分析 - 2011
Olukunmi Balogum
Alcohol consumption and psychological distress in adolescents: A multi-country study.
若者のアルコール摂取と心理的ストレスに関する多国間調査 - 2010
Chikako Toda
Health care expenditure in women of reproductive age in rural Bangladesh-Is microcredit protecitive against significant financial burden?
- 2010
Ying Yang
Predictive value of the Apgar score for newborn mortality.
- 2009
Ganchimeg Togoobaatar
The prevalence and determinants of self-medication with antibiotics for children under five years of age in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- 2009
Haruyo Nakamura
Trends and determinants of under-five mortality in Ghana: An analysis of Demographic and Health Survey.
- 2009
Mayo Kakizaki
Needlestick and sharps Injuries among health care workers at two tertiary hospitals in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia.
- 2009
Panome Sayamoungkhoun
Trends and determinants of DTP3 immunization coverage among children aged 12 to 23 months in Lao PDR: an analysis of the Multiple Indicator Cluster Surveys 2000 and 2006.
- 2009
Yuki Irie
Trends in socioeconomic inequalities in chronic malnutrition and its determinants among children under five years of age in Cambodia: an analysis of the Demographic and Health Surveys in 2000 and 2005.
- 2008
Shizuya Togawa
Prevalence and risk factors of smoking among high school students in Kyoto.
- 2008
Zhang Chunling
Health status, and traffic accidents, and occupational hazards among taxi drivers in Yanji city of Jilin province, China.
- 2008
Chen Ying-Ju
Health status of scavengers working at the dumpsite in Vientiane, Lao PDR.
- 2008
Sadequa Shahrook
Delivery care in rural Bangladesh: assessing financial burden and determinants of institutional delivery.
- 2008
Wariki Mariane Virenia Windy
Post-abortion care in Indonesia: a knowledge, attitude and practice survey of providers, and patients determinants in selection of health facility.
- 2008
Douangphachanh Xaysomphou
Situation analysis of emergency obstetric care and factors influencing the decision-making regarding place of delivery among mothers in three provinces, Lao PDR.
- 2007
Rie Takesue
Intimate partner violence and psychological distress among women in Nawalparasi, Nepal.
- 2007
Gai Ruoyan
Medical waste management in health care facilities in Binzhou District, Shandong Province, China.
- 2007
Nimisha Vandan
Physician's Knowledge, Attitude and Practice in Tuberculosis Control and Management in Lucknow, India: A comparison of public and private sector.
- 2007
Pornpai Putthakeo
Breastfeeding for Children below 2 Years of Age and Its influencing Factors in the Central Provinces of Lao PDR.
- 2006
Chieko Matsubara
Current prevalence and risk factors for needlestick injuries among hospital workers in Vientiane, Lao PDR. 2006
- 2006
Phathammavong Outavong
Asthma and Risk Factors among School Aged Children in Vientiane Capital, Lao P.D.R. 2006
- 2006
Tumendemberel Ochirbat
Assessment of long-term persistence of seroprotection of hepatitis B vaccine and risk factors among 5-10 years old children in Ulaanbaatar, Mongolia. 2006
- 2006
Yuri Sasaki
Correlates of exclusive breastfeeding practices for the first 6 months in Phnom Penh, Cambodia. 2006
- 2005
Kanako Masuno
Situation analysis of tetanus vaccination and clean delivery in Lao PDR. 2005
- 2005
Masako Kiso
Adherence to antiretroviral drugs (ARVs) among PLWHA in Lilongwe, Malawi: Exploring the roles of Health worker, Guardian, Client. 2005
- 2005
Masahiro Maekawa
Factors affecting immunization coverage among 12-59 months children in Lao PDR. 2005
- 2005
Sae Takada
Determinants of health worker adherence to IMCI guidelines in Lao PDR. 2005
- 2004
Miho Nozue
Situation on Obesity and Related Factors among Adults in Rural Chile -Is Nutrition Transition Ongoing?- 2004
- 2004
Soulivanh Phengxay
Health care waste management in Lao PDR. 2004
- 2003
Chizuko Watanabe
女子大学生の性感染症に対する予防意識とコンドームの使用実態に関する研究. - 2003
Minako Kuramitsu
Enterovirus infection among families in Ulaanbaatar and Tov Aimag, Mongolia: Prevalence, familial spread, and risk factors for infection. 2003
- 2003
Yoshihisa Shirayama
The maintenance behavior of Long Lasting Insecticide-Treated Bed Nets (LLITBNs) previously introduced into Bourapar district, Khammouane province Lao PDR. 2003
- 2002
Tatsuya Ashida
The intention and behavior of MSM (men who have sex with men) towards condom use in Tokyo, Japan: An application of the Theory of Reasoned Action. 2002